Supplies Distribution
In 2019, we began to collect unopened, unused consumable respiratory supplies. US members of our Breathe with MD Support Group had been exchanging unopened supplies, and our organization began storing supplies for which no one had an immediate need.
Our supplies distribution program helps those living with Neuromuscular Disease (NMD) who are temporarily uninsured, under-insured or have a durable medical equipment (DME) provider who does not deliver respiratory supplies in a timely fashion. In some cases, individuals are experiencing a shortage of respiratory supplies and do not have the financial means to purchase them on their own. Items often in our supply include mouthpieces for (MPV)/sip ventilation; nasal ventilation cushions and related supplies; noninvasive ventilation mask kits; and secretion clearance supplies. Sometimes we have bacterial/anti-viral ventilation filters, circuits, and tracheostomy supplies. Some items are requested soon after they are added to our site's inventory.
When an individual expresses a need for a particular supply item we have listed on our supplies request page, if their request is approved, we mail it to them at no cost. Our charity handles the logistics of the supplies distribution via a form on our supplies request page.
Want to donate a supply item(s)?
If you have an unused, unopened consumable respiratory supply item from a smoke-free home that you wish to donate, please contact us at to discuss your item(s). We have limited storage space and will have to assess our remaining space to determine if we can take your donation. We are unable to take durable medical equipment, open items, or items past their "best by" or expiration dates.
Our organization further supports our mission through the following.
Pulse Oximeters
In 2019, we began to collect unopened, unused consumable respiratory supplies. US members of our Breathe with MD Support Group had been exchanging unopened supplies, and our organization began storing supplies for which no one had an immediate need.
Our supplies distribution program helps those living with Neuromuscular Disease (NMD) who are temporarily uninsured, under-insured or have a durable medical equipment (DME) provider who does not deliver respiratory supplies in a timely fashion. In some cases, individuals are experiencing a shortage of respiratory supplies and do not have the financial means to purchase them on their own. Items often in our supply include mouthpieces for (MPV)/sip ventilation; nasal ventilation cushions and related supplies; noninvasive ventilation mask kits; and secretion clearance supplies. Sometimes we have bacterial/anti-viral ventilation filters, circuits, and tracheostomy supplies. Some items are requested soon after they are added to our site's inventory.
When an individual expresses a need for a particular supply item we have listed on our supplies request page, if their request is approved, we mail it to them at no cost. Our charity handles the logistics of the supplies distribution via a form on our supplies request page.
Want to donate a supply item(s)?
If you have an unused, unopened consumable respiratory supply item from a smoke-free home that you wish to donate, please contact us at to discuss your item(s). We have limited storage space and will have to assess our remaining space to determine if we can take your donation. We are unable to take durable medical equipment, open items, or items past their "best by" or expiration dates.
Our organization further supports our mission through the following.
Pulse Oximeters